Value for Money
For a new nature-based monetary system
The current monetary system is a contageous sick nervous system of our urban and post urban society. It infected about three quarters of our human society in a cancerous way. This is the main cause for our unwantingly destroying the habitability of the earth. We can and must stop this by changing it genetically by three simple measures.
Money has two characteristics that normally are not seen. Firstly, it is a mathematical echo chamber that is completely disconnected from the real world, and secondly, the use of money is a systemic shifting away of responsibility. Today's monetary system is therefore a major cause of the destruction of the Earth's habitability by us as a human race. Measures to protect this habitability currently have to be financed from taxes that come from an economy based on this monetary system. This is absurd. The financial sector has the opportunity to do something about it. However, it takes little or no notice of this responsibility. Of course, the habitability of the earth is to be given a higher ethical value than gold and money. But then it is also a moral duty to curb their destructive role. A new monetary order based on real values is possible.

The book ‘Natur als Wertstandard’ (Nature as Standard of Value) describes how the financial world, with its monetary system at its core, can actually fulfil its responsibility for this protection. In a first step, the following three relatively simple measures are necessary and possible:
1) The creation of a robust global system of tradable certificates that annually record the total global amount of untouched natural areas in units of four square kilometres.
2) Linking these certificates to the instruments of the central banks for controlling the money supply. This could start with the euro.
3) Introducing a special financial transaction tax, in particular for the targeted financing of the following tasks: for the local protection of the certified, untouched natural areas and to support the surrounding areas for the development of nature-based solutions. The support should be so strong that it is no longer worthwhile to destroy it.
A detailed description can be found in my new book ‘Natur als Wertstandard‘ (oekom-Verlag) / (Nature as Standard of Value)
I am looking for an English publisher
The German version will be available from the beginning of December. As I have been concentrating on writing and publishing the book with my German publisher oekom verlag, I have not had much time to look for and find an English publisher. If you would like to support this process, please contact me.
What can we do?
Many people are outraged by a society in which belief in money determines everything and destroys the habitability of the earth. This outrage is not enough. As shown above, the current monetary system ensures that the ever-growing urban and post-urban society, with the financial world as its first representative, systematically shifts its responsibility for maintaining the habitability of the earth onto others. This urban system, which is based on the current decoupled money, is spreading like a cancer. We must and can subordinate the monetary system to nature, of which we are only a part of a greater whole. Only then will a genuine value of money be possible. Only then will cities and post-urban society find a balance with the ecosystems of the still living earth. In this process, religions are probably the greatest force that can help to initiate this process.
The concept of ‘Nature as the Standard of Value’ described here can only be a rough sketch to advance the urgently needed process of change. The following steps are necessary to build the concept:
Building a core team
Building communication with interested individuals, organisations and the media
Raising funds
Acquiring or founding a core organisation
Building a network with the Parliament of the World's Religions
Building cooperation to establish the annual certification process for untouched natural areas
Further developing the proposed financial instruments to link these certificates with the minimum reserve of banks
Further developing the procedure for a dedicated financial transaction levy
Developing models for a world currency unit based on this recommendation
Building a network for the organisation of the protection of untouched natural areas and regeneration
Building the network for the local promotion of nature-based solutions for the surrounding areas of the certified protected areas
Building a network for science and research
Building lobbying work with the parliaments and central organisations of the EU, China, USA, India and Japan
Organising conferences on the above topics
If you would like to participate, you can find the contact form here. Since the challenge requires a great deal of expertise, this is also requested. It would be very helpful if you would complete this. Of course, there is also space for free comments.