Harris C. M. Tiddens

Learning Organisations
Senior Fellow: Organisation of Urban Sustainability Care
Institute for Urban & Environmental Studies
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China
As a sinologist, I started my career in the financial world and later became a financial correspondent for the Dutch press in Bonn. After eleven years in the financial world, I joined a large German DAX-listed company to help it go public internationally. There I rose to the management level with responsibility for quality management. Since 2006, I have been researching how cities can achieve sustainability in real-world laboratories from Beijing to Hamburg.
In 2014, oekom Verlag published the book "Wurzeln für die lebende Stadt" ('Roots for the Living City’). This book is available as an open science document.
From 2014 onwards I have setup, directed and/or supervised four living labs in and between urban quarters. One in Berlin and three in the city of Hamburg. The results where published in 2023 in the German scientific reader „(Re-) Konstruktion von lokaler Urbanität“ (W.-D. Bukow et al. (Hrsg.)) in the article with the translated title ‘Small towns and quarters as the smallest units of an urban society, their fundamental role in ensuring sustainability and resilience with personal responsibility and self-efficacy’
One of the results of this research is the observation, that money is a dangerous sick nervous system of cities that always has the last word. It made me write the book presented here.
For more information, see: https://www.linkedin.com/in/harristiddens.